PLAYOFF:  Tuesday April 30 at Clairemont High School.  UC put up a Block Party (it was quite amazing), but lost the match.


First Matches Friday, Feb 23 - Sweetwater Tournament! Sweetwater Tourney - 2024 - Opening Weekend

Schedule/Resutls:  Schedule - 2024 Boys Indoor

2024 is off to a fine start

In its opening volley (that's right, I went there), UC swept all matches on Friday Night (some pictures below).

Saturday, UC deftly maneuvered to the Silver Bracket to have a run at repeating as that Champion.

This year the team made a solid run to third place.  Not a bad opening weekend!

Note: if you have video posted somewhere, send the links to Jeff, he'll link them to this page.

Sweetwater Tourney - 2024 - Opening Weekend


    see preliminary schedule at:

This week:

  • Tuesday 3/19 @ Mira Mesa
  • Thursday 3/21 LEAGUE OPENER at home vs Saints - this is a BIG match!

Coach Hartin and the 2023 Team

Team Huddle


Two years ago was Zion and Jeremy's first Varsity action along with our Juniors - as well as 2023 Graduates Dash and Trevor - hosting Francis Parker.  A big match.  One I noticed this foundational match wasn't posted.  I've rectified that:  220223 UC vs Francis Parker.

I'm also taking one last opportunity to editorialize:  To 2024!

The Bird (?!) lives on...