
Videos are posted at:our UCVolley YouTube Channel. 

Soon I'll get a page here with the videos properly embedded and presented in sequence.

Note: if you have videos on youtube, send me the links;  I'll post here.


I shot 1500, 600 were good. Note that I should be able to whittle it down to maybe 100 general interest bests, but that takes time.

Better yet, searchable galleries would be better, but I'm having trouble with that currently.

Because 600 really bogs down the page (and makes scrolling through galleries tedious), I'll break them down by Player:

 Holler if something is amiss; my QC is AWOL.

Apologies if I didn't get everybody well (I tend to aim at the net play and I'm often caught off guard on quick hits).

Also: I'm using facial recognition software for the tagging: it's not perfect and I also get a lot of tags for people in the background vs.the actual subject of the shot.

Here is the entire 600 (the page may take a while to load):  220311-LJTourney-pix

Some shots would benefit by a download and crop...