Boys Beach Home

results pictures and media at: Schedule 2022 Beach

Good luck to the Team!  Last year was amazing and special; this year will be different in ways we can't predict and special in ways we don't yet see.  Soak in these moments, these days, this year.  Embrace every moment!


  • Friday Both teams play at OB

From Coach Choi (Sept 17)

We lost a close league match to Clairemont 2-3 on Thursday but the matches were exciting and fun to watch.  We have some work to do to improve our consistency especially our first contact with the ball-improve that and everything gets easier. I have moved some teams down to help strengthen the JV group for competition but the bottom of varsity and top of JV may still see more changes in the season. What are players doing to improve? Some suggestions would be cardio work, practice setting cleanly, call some team mates and get out and compete, watch high level videos or google how to improve on a skill you are interested in.

Monday:  1:30-3

Tuesday  4-6

Wednesday JV practices 

Thursday Match at home against Bishops ALL PLAYERS should arrive by 3:40 for team warm ups and match should begin just after 4. Teams 4-6 should watch teams 1-3 and teams 1-3 should stay and support teams 4-6. 

Friday: JV1 match against SDA (the second half of JV has a match against the second half of JV on Sept 28th at home) Players should arrive by 3:40 for team warm up and match will start a bit after 4 with teams 1-5 play full matches (best two out of three to 21 points and if a tie then third game to 15) Teams 6-10 play will follow and may be match or one set at a time as time allows finishing around 6:15

In addition to our league match at home on Thursday (9/22) against Bishops,  Monday,  September 26th we play Coronado at Coronado main courts these are located about ½ a mile north of the Hotel Del Coronado. All interested teams are playing because they have 10 courts so all players should arrive in Coronado by 3:30, I hope to get a big team picture of everyone and then top 10 should start about 4, and we will play until 6:15 or so.


 For more information (and online links) to Donate, see the Donate! page.



Schedule 2022 Beach - game schedule is posted!

Roster - Beach Boys

Note that last year's Boy's Beach earned District Runner Up and had a LOT of fun doing it.  (here's The Play that sent us to the Finals (over 24K views!)) 

Here's an recommendation from a parent:  Yay! Beach! 

Note also that Beach Volleyball gets Zero Funding (!) from anyone.  Coach Brooke and Coach Mark donate a tremendous amount of their time and energy to sustaining a great program and supporting your kids.  Help minimize their out-of-pocket financial support by donating to the program:  Donate!

Come experience the California Dream:


2022 Beach Volleyball Team
2022 Beach Volleyball Team

(full-resolution here:  2022 Team Shot at Ocean Beach