Welcome to Coed winter Sand Volleyball!

This is a free clinic.  We will work on serving and one to two skills each week and then practice with Queen/King of the Court* for the remainder of time.  We may be able to schedule a tournament or two as well.  This is open to all interested students at UCHS.

*Queen/King of the Court is a fast-moving round-robin drill where whoever wins the point stays on the court and receiving service from the next team.  Point-losers going to the back serving line.  Players really enjoy this and will do it for hours if they can't break out into full games.

Enjoy volleyball with friends!

  • Mondays/Wednesdays 3:45-5 or dark
  • On Thanksgiving week, we will play 2-4 to take advantage of light.


The Rules

All players are responsible for knowing the rules, helping everyone learn the beach rules in a respectful manner.

Here are some of the rule variations from indoor to be familiar with that we discussed at the first practice:

  • Players get only one toss on a serve.
  • A block touch counts as a touch so team may only use two more contacts; the player who blocked can be the first contact
  • Players may go under the net as long as they do not interfere with the opposing team playing the ball
  • On the service, players need to receive the ball with hands together-no doubles
  • When hitting, no open finger tips. Players can hit, knuckle, strike, fist the ball over
  • Usually, any first contact during a rally hands should be together.
    • If handled with two open hands, it has to be very clean and usually is reserved for a hard driven ball where player has little time and is protecting themselves.
  • Players should try to face their set, squaring feet, hips and shoulders in the direction the ball is going.
    • If playing the ball over the net with a set, player must be facing direction the ball goes. 
    • If setting partner, it is permissible to set at angles but ball must come out cleanly.  Frequently a good idea to “bump” set until skilled at hand setting.

We will be going over these rules frequently at practice and expect players to be able to assist in recognizing “faults” so we can all improve.