The beach team needs YOUR help.

As a non-CIF sport, the team receives no financial support for equipment, coaches, or required league fees or insurance.

To continue to offer this fun program, we need to raise the funds to pay for our program every year. I am very dedicated to this program and you will see me weeding and raking the courts, moving sand, maintaining the nets, and doing what I can to continue to be able to offer this opportunity to all students. I also use my personal equipment like the antennas and many of the balls.  

Program Costs

League Fees  $250
Mandatory Insurance $320
Balls $300
Uniforms $600
Coach $3100
Total $4570


With 19 players this is about $240 per player.

All players will be given same opportunity to participate regardless if they make a donation. However, your help would be greatly appreciated.

If you can only give a little less, please do, if you can give a little more, that would be awesome.

We absolutely have to cover the cost of fees, insurance and uniforms. I am also open to fund raising ideas.

The coaching stipend is based on the coaching stipend received for a San Diego Unified Coach. I have been coaching at UCHS for 12 years and have coached the girls’ and boys’ varsity teams and started the beach team about 8 years ago. I am also thrilled to have the help of Mark Salata and Connor Martin this year. We have also been fortunate to have two former players Tim and Alex helping before they leave for college. I have seen much improvement already!

If possible send donation made out to the CENTURION FOUNDATION on memo line write boys’ beach volleyball. Let’s have a great year.

Many Thanks,
Coach Choi

Here's how to Donate!

(webmaster note: Coach pays the bills when they are due, which is before the donations roll in.  So, in addition to her giving up so much of her time, she is actually giving up her money out of pocket in the hope that the donations eventually cover the expenses.  Please help make sure she doens't have to pay to enrich the lives of our athletes!.  Donate early, donate often (but remember, it is voluntary)).