Introducing for on March 24, 2023 the Inaugural


That's right, Ladies and Gentlemen.  Join us in the gym Friday after school for the first installment of an annual 


Installment #1 features the return of Curie/Standley/UCHS alumnus Trevor "T-Dawg" Keegan.  


Dash & Trevor 2023
Dash & Trevor 2023
Dash Trev Shahab Coach
Dash Trev Shahab Coach

Will there be an Installment #2 with Curie/Standley/UCHS alumna Kilee Keegan?  


Some of you may remember T-Dawg crushing the hope and dreams of Liberty Charter in last years playoff win.

Clearly wanting to expunge the guilt of his blocking and spiking cruelty, T-Dawg has chosen a year of attonement at San Diego Christian.  A sort of reverse Prodigal Son (if you recall, the Prodigal Son returned after wayward naughtiness), Trev makes a stop at his old stomping ground.  We invite all his friend to come "welcome" him.  Arrive early for the ceremonial Washing of The Feet (as a courtesy, we enforce a limit of no more than 2023 toes and, please, need I say it: NO bunions!).

Trevor started volleyball as a freshman, but didn't find any success whatsoever until he partnered with Dash in Beach Volleyball as a Junior.  Here are T-Dawg and Dash after their first match  - a sweep as the #1 UC Varsity team.


 When asked how he feels about facing off against his "volleyball brother" for the first time on Friday, Dash replied, "I'm sorry, who?"

(I dug up some old content.  Here's the  Beach 2021 Opening Day commentary and pictures:  Opening Day Beach 2021

So get ready, get psyched and join us Friday, FRIDAY, FRIDAY, March 24, for the 

2023 Inaugural Keegan GRUDGE MATCH!


[[ Disclaimer:  let their be no doubt, this page's author and the UC community have great love and respect for Trevor and Kilee.  The content in this hyperbolic parody is meant to hype up the upcoming match and expresss our excitement to see him and his family again.  We can't just come out and say it directly like that.  Content has been reviewed by Trevor himself and his family and been approved with their typical grace.  (But UC still plans to CRUSH you, T-Dawg, on Friday! ]]


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