4/19/2023 - Note from Jeff

Yesterday I got to the gym early for a change.  Sam was (expertly) shooting the JV match, I had time to set up my equipment later. I sat in the bleachers watching the JV team play. 

I had a nice talk with Cassidy's mom - I had only gotten to know Cassidy a little bit over the past few weeks, a tremendous "big personality" fun and serious young woman.  We talked of Cassidy and Shahab and Dash -  all seniors - set to embark on the next phase of their lives, volleyball only a small part of it.  Good kids, bright futures.  Relief and pride as parents.  Love for them.

Today, I reflect that in my efforts to memorialize the on-court play in photo and video, I missed a lot of the fun personal connection with many of the parents.  I caught a lot, but I missed a lot.  And while I've been very cognizant of the dwindling time remaining for this final (for the Martins) season of play, it just hit me that the time with the fans - the students, the parents, the opponent's fans we interact with - will be drawing to a close as well.  Gut punch.

The meaning of any experience is deepened in its sharing.  

Socrates said "an unexamined life is not worth living."  What's the point of an experience not shared?  

The highs, the lows, the journey is better, deeper, richer because we've shared it.  The hopes, the disappointments.  The gratitude.  The emotion - the essence of it all - is amplified, echoed, resonated in the sharing.  Remembered.


I've come to deeply value the people "who were there" at milestones.  The people who were sharing the joy, the richness of a moment in time. 

As parents, we remember - we cherish! - gestures of kindness and support towards our kids.  How do you endear yourself to someone?  Love their child.


The future is uncertain.  Heck, the present is uncertain (injuries, illness).  The journey seems especially windy nowadays. Thanks for being part of it. 

Thank you for giving up your time to be here.  Thank you all of you who worked so hard supporting not only the players, but the coaches and the organization that allows it to flourish.  Thank you for driving the kids.  Thank you for running the snack bar.  Thank you for the outings.  Thank you for the barbeque.

Thank you for cheering.

Thank you for making it better, making it together.  Making it all SO rich.

Now is forever..