August 27, 2021

For the first time in two years, UCHS had a Sand Volleyball Match.  Before COVID, Dash was a new player paired with a new player.  Way down in the JV pecking order.  

We had three teams that had a shot at being our #1 Team on any given week:  Nate and Ryan, Marty and AJ, and Trevor and Dash.  Shahab really wanted in, but he and Zion were always just so close to breaking into the top 3.  Freshmen Justin and Petar are athletic hustlers, but they are freshman, surely they won't be pivotal to the season (hint: foreshadowing).


I suspected Dash and Trevor were seeded in the top three teams, but I wasn't sure which spot.  It wasn't until after the formal competition was all over, when they were playing for fun against the Parker (Valets?) #3 team, that I realized Dash and Trev were our #1 Team. Wow!

They won the first set 21-18 and the second 21-19 for a sweep.  Our other teams didn't fare so well.  :(

This floors me: the last time UCHS played beach volleyball, Dash was a Junior Varsity near-beginner paired with another beginner.  They were a "developmental" team, not expected to win, not expected to matter.  Afterthoughts. 

First match after that, he's half of the winning Varsity #1 team.

Later for fun the schooled play some informal matches.  Dash and Trevor played Parker's #3 team and lost in three.  Good to keep them humble, I guess.  But the one that goes on the permanent record is a 2-0 win!

I took Dash and Trevor to Ocean Beach's famous Hodad's for a Celebration Dinner.  I hadn't been there before.  Great Burgers and a very yummy chocolate malt.

Here are the best Dash and Trevor shots:


The full beach batch: