2024 is off to a fine start!

Speaking of fine starts, there is this "tradition":


In its opening volley (that's right, I went there), UC swept all matches on Friday Night (some pictures below).





 Here's the final point of Friday Night's sweeps:


Saturday, UC deftly maneuvered to the Silver Bracket to have a run at repeating as that Champion.

This year the team made a solid run to third place.  Not a bad opening weekend!

Note: if you have video posted somewhere, send the links to Jeff, he'll link them to this page.



I'm sure we all remember last year's Silver Championship 2023 Sweetwater Tournament

Does anyone remember the 2022 Sweetwater Tournament?  I don't either.  But I wrote it down (and took pics and vid).  Refresh your memories here:  Sweetwater Tourney - 2022


I encourage someone, anyone, everyone to write down some context for yourselves after these events.  You'll be surprised what you forget.  Pictures don't necessarily capture the thoughts and feelings of these moments.  Write these things down for yourself.  And if you feel like sharing, email me and we'll post in the match pages.  

Great job UC!