
210830 UC Beach vs Helix High​

210908 Beach: vs Point Loma at Ocean Beach​

Day  Date Time Opponent Location Result Pix and Vid (click the links)
Fri 27-Aug 4:00 Parker Ocean Beach   Opening Day Beach 2021
Tues 31-Aug 4:00 Helix UC   210830 UC Beach vs Helix High
Wed 8-Sep 4:00 Pointers Ocean Beach-main beach-south of bathrooms  W 5-0 210908 Beach: vs Point Loma at Ocean Beach
Thurs 9-Sep 4:00 Bishops UC  W 4-1  Bishops Court 1 Trevor & Dash (16 min.)
Thurs 16-Sep 4:00 Knights-SM UC  W 4-1  San Marcos Court 1 Nate & Ryan (25 min.)
TUES 21-Sep 4:00 Coronado Coronado  L 1-4  210921-Coronado
Thurs 23-Sep   Clairemont  UC  W5-0
TUES 28-Sep 4:00 Scripps UC  W 4-1  210928 - Scripps Ranch
TUES 5-Oct 4:00 Cathedral Varsity at Cathedral  L0-5  211005-Cathedral
WED 6-Oct 4:00   JV at UC    
Thurs 7-Oct 4:00 Torrey Pines Torrey Pines at Dog Beach in Del Mar.     L 2-3 Beach vs Torrey PinesTorrey Pines videos
Thurs 14-Oct 4:00 La Jolla the Pit (Across from Belmont Park at Mission Bay)  L 2-3  vs La Jolla (Playoff Playoff)
10/21    4:00 Poway


   211021 - Playoff vs Poway
10/26     San Dieguito semi-finals    211026 - Playoff vs. San Dieguito
10/28     Westview finals  L 1-4  211028 Finals vs Westview


(see individual match pages for complete details)


The season wrapup is on Beach Volleyball - Fall 2021

2021 Beach Boys articles (full articles)

All Beach 2021 Articles (list)